Water Utility Sector Reform

The Water Utility Sector Reform Program (WUSRP) provided the Government of Georgia (GOG) the professional support needed to address issues related to the performance of the water and sanitation sector, and create conditions which would eventually attract private sector participation. Following the establishment of the Water Reform Commission (WRC), responsible for the development and elaboration of water supply and sanitation sector policy, SEGURA provided technical assistance to the WRC to develop and prepare an overall plan for the water utility reform.

Ensure broadly accessible, reliable and economically sustainable water and sanitation services for health, security, and prosperity. (Note that this Area does not include the household behavior aspects found in Element HL.6.6 or water issues directly relating to Agriculture – found in Element HL.6.7 or water issues.) Improve the capacity of businesses, including the self-employed poor; micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); and high growth potential entrepreneurs, to start or grow and integrate into domestic and international markets through increases in productivity and improvements in corporate governance and the development and application of modern technology and marketing practices. Enhance the capacity of businesses and business associations in terms of their corporate governance capabilities and their application of best practices and technologies to achieve increased production and marketing of products and services. It includes adoption of efficient production processes, improved labor productivity, environmentally-sound management of natural resources and the development of accounting and management systems that can help the company and industry group implement business, labor, product and process standards that enhance business competitiveness. Business capacity development programs may include activities that help men- and women-owned firms and associations respond to these international markets and create regional alliances.

Project ID
Activity status
3 - Completion
Aid type
D01 - Donor country personnel
% to Liberia


U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Agency for International Development
SEGURA Consulting LLC

Disbursements by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Liberia Value (USD)

Commitments by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Liberia Value (USD)
2015 Q1 -38,373.51 -38,373.51

MTEF projections by fiscal year

Fiscal year Value (USD) Liberia Value (USD)

CRS code %
Public sector policy and administrative management (15110) 26.66
Transport policy and administrative management (21010) 73.34