Support to FAO - Climate Resilience Livelihood opportunities for WEE

The project ''Climate Resilience Livelihood Opportunities for Women Economic Empowerment'' (CRWEE) aims at advancing economic empowerment of rural women as a means of addressing gender inequalities, female subordination, discrimination and household poverty in West Nile and Karamoja regions of Uganda. The intervention aims to address key constraints to women´s productivity and economic empowerment, notably access and ownership of productive assets (land, livestock, finances, agricultural produce e.t.c.), capacity building and information access for agricultural production and marketing, development of select value chains and capacity development of women groups in decision making and production. The intervention will integrate environmental and watershed management approaches and build adaptation and mitigation capacities of partners and communities to climate change aimed at ensuring sustainable livelihoods, production, business opportunities and growth.

The major goal of the project is '' To contribute to economic empowerment of women and eradication of feminized poverty in Karamoja and West Nile Regions of Uganda. The overall objective is '' To strengthen inclusive, gender responsive and climate smart resilience for rural women, men and youth  populations depending on agricultural production systems in Karamoja and West Nile Regions''. The main Result Areas of the project are: 1. Women access to and control of productive resources and decision making capacity improved 2. Household income and climate resilient livelihood capacities of women improved in a gender responsive manner 3. Ecosystem adaptive and mitigation capacities enhanced By the end of the project, the following is expected to have been achieved: - 66,000 people to have benefited from the project (women, men and youth) including 12,6oo refugees and 27,000 youth from 12 districts in West Nile and Karamoja and with 70% of beneficiaries being women. -At least 350 Farmer Field Schools formed, trained and strengthened targeting about 10,000 women and engaged in high production activities such as certified seed production, value addition and collective marketing -At least 6000 households (39,600 people -70% women benefit from watershed and environmental management activities including establishment of 400ha of alternative bio-energy plantations, support local artisans including women and youth to design and make energy saving stoves for 7,000 energy cook stoves, establishment of 150 bio gas units and 12 bio fertilizer production sites/enterprises. -Capacity development for about 1,000 individuals from various government institutions in various aspects such as gender analysis and mainstreaming, improved agriculture productivity, Climate adaptation and mitigation actions among others based on a needs analysis. -At least 4 value chains with high growth and employment potential identified and developed.

Project ID
Activity status
2 - Implementation
Aid type
B03 - Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by international organisations (multilateral, INGO)
% to Uganda


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Food and Agricultural Organisation

Disbursements by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2018 Q2 5,275,886.28 5,275,886.28

Commitments by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2018 Q2 9,328,419.33 9,328,419.33

MTEF projections by fiscal year

Fiscal year Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2022 506,557.86 506,557.86
2021 1,013,127.41 1,013,127.41
2020 1,013,139.11 1,013,139.11
2019 1,013,139.11 1,013,139.11
2018 3,144,512.69 3,144,512.69
2017 2,637,943.14 2,637,943.14

CRS code %
Agricultural development (31120) 100.0