Action Against Hunger: Humanitarian Support 2018-2020

At the beginning of 2018, 135 million people found themselves in a situation in which they will urgently need humanitarian assistance, and 815 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Each year Sida undertakes a humanitarian allocation process in which all on-going humanitarian crises are analyzed against a number of objective indicators (e.g. number of people in need), and where the partners most relevant to respond to identified needs in each specific crisis are selected. This is to ensure a real application of the humanitarian principles, and especially the principle of impartiality. The initial funding to Action Against Hunger (AAH) in 2018, which is being encompassed in this decision, is thus based on the Sida humanitarian allocation process that took place in late 2017. A three-year agreement is suggested to be signed with AAH, where additional contributions will be added to the agreement, subject to funds availability, governmental appropriations and Sida needs assessments. A three-year agreement does also allow for strategic multi-year projects, which will increase the possibility to reach durable solutions. For 2018, it is proposed that 180 MSEK is allocated to AAH for the implementation of activities in 18 countries and to support the Rapid Response Mechanism and the SMART Methodology. An additional 21 MSEK is added to the agreement, 13 MSEK and 8 MSEK for activities to be implemented in 2019 and 2020, respectively, which means that the total initial contribution to AAH amounts to 201 MSEK. For a detailed overview of the allocated support to AAH, please see Annex V (Budget summary) to the agreement. AAH is a non-profit organization, previously known as Action Contre La Faim (ACF), which is governed by the French Association Law of July 1, 1901. AAH was founded in 1979 with an explicit goal of responding to humanitarian emergencies, with a main focus on issues relating to malnutrition. The mission of AAH is to reduce and prevent hunger among the most vulnerable populations around the world. Its mandate is to save lives by eliminating hunger through preventing, detecting and treating malnutrition, and to address the underlying causes of hunger.

Project ID
SE-0-SE-6-938-DRC refugee crisis-11779A0101
Activity status
2 - Implementation
Aid type
C01 - Project-type interventions
% to Uganda


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Disbursements by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)

Commitments by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2017 Q3 237,267.63 237,267.63

MTEF projections by fiscal year

Fiscal year Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)

CRS code %
Material relief assistance and services (72010) 100.0