Programme of Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) with the Mountains of the Moon University in Uganda

1. the institutional development of the partner university; 2. creating "Centres of excellence" in the different fields of collaboration HUT reached the level of a high quality centre in training, scientific research and technological transfer and integrated itself into the national and international scientific and technological development trend Technological transfer of knowledge to the national socio-economic development is enhanced and the university education and research system is upgraded The academic overall objective for HUT is to reach the level of a high quality centre in training, scientific research and technological transfer and to integrate itself into the national and international scientific and technological development trend The developmental overall objective for the IUC programme is to enhance technological transfer of knowledge to the national socio-economic development and to contribute to the upgrading of the university education and research system in Vietnam The specific objective is to iimprove HUT¿s academic and administrative staff qualifications in overall project management and esearch policy and to improve research capacities of academic staff (particularly of young staff) to reach international standards of research. Het partnerprogramma bestaat uit 3 projecten, zijnde de implementatie van een computernetwerk over de gehele campus, landbouwweerkunde en aquatische ecologie. Het computernetwerkproject bestaat uit 3 subprojecten: infrastructuur dat er vooral op gericht is het bestaande netwerk te verbeteren, E-applicaties (E-learning, E-administration, E-library) en computertraining. De implementatie van het computernetwerk is gericht op een degelijk ICT-gebruik aan de universiteit van Zimbabwe. Het tweede project heeft betrekking op de toepassing van weerkundige informatie en data op weergevoelige landbouwproblemen. Het derde project beoogt een beter onderwijs over en onderzoek in de aquatische ecologie om zodoende een economischer gebruik van de beperkte waterbronnen en een betere milieuhygiëne van de rivieren en dammen te bewerkstelligen. De capaciteit om de waterbronnen in Zimbabwe en de regio te managen en te ontwikkelen moet toenemen. Establish UWC as a higher education institution of postgraduate research excellence in relation to policy implementation and service delivery towards building an equitable and dynamic South African society. Build postgraduate research capacity in niche areas in relation to policy implementation and service delivery. To contribute towards sustainable livelihood in Tigray Region. - strengthen the capacity of Mekelle University as an institute of higher education, and a centre of excellence for research and academics (in the areas of the different projects) - enhance research-based teaching and University Staff Development Developmental overall objective: The Universidad de Cuenca aims at training graduates with the right skills and ethical attitudes in order to help the country reaching an improved quality of life for all Ecuadorians, and not only for a privileged group of the society. Furthermore a relevant research capacity will be enhanced in order to contribute to the development of the society's science and technological platform as leverage for the socio-economic development of the region and the nation. The central theme is the improvement of the quality of life at the Austro-Ecuatoriano, the provinces in the Andes around Cuenca, by strengthening relevant teaching and research. The Universidad de Cuenca being a comprehensive university has a wide range in disciplines across the spectrum relevant to the central theme. Each of the vertical academic projects envisages education/ training and research by a multidisciplinary approach. The transversal project aims at institutional management and change to create a more dynamic institution stimulating the research and teaching innovations. Academic overall objective: The overall objective is to improve the quality of teaching, research and services at the Universidad de Cuenca, so that UCuenca increases its relevance to the development and improvement of the quality of life in the region. This objective requires changing into a more stimulating institutional and organisational structure and the execution of a number of selected thematic academic projects Specific Development Objective: Recommendations and advice for regional development based on the research findings become available. Although the University of Cuenca is already recognized as a major actor in the region, it is felt that a university should deliver advice which is more up-to-date and based on active research. Now the recommendations by the university are too often at level of what a good consultant office could deliver. Specific Academic Objective: The institutional change and cross-cutting activities contribute to more effective time for research and lead to a higher academic level of teaching and research output. An academic capacity for research, better teaching and MSc-programmes are being developed by the vertical academic projects. P1 - Overall developmental objective: To improve the life of people in the Gilgel Gibe dam area and promote sustainable development through research in problems and issues of human and animal health, environmental health and ecology, food and nutrition and soil fertility and promoting evidence based interventions in the target area in collaboration with different stakeholders Overall academic objective (OAO): To enhance the quality of teaching and research undertaken in Jimma University (JU) through planned and targeted development of human resources and collaborative and multi-disciplinary research of an international standard that addresses the priority problems of the local community and the country at large Developmental specific objective: Develop evidence based interventions in the target area with respect to problems and issues of human and animal health, environmental health and ecology, food and nutrition and soil fertility. Academic specific objective: Develop different centres of excellence at Jimma University supported by top researchers with PhD qualification and extend the curriculum with new Master programmes Developmental results: (i) Solutions to varied socio-economic problems in the region of location of the University, triggered by significant poverty levels, are proposed; Innovations are developed and technology transfer undertaken to address the problems. (ii) Professional programmes (applied training for addressing day to day problems) of varied duration and packaging are developed and offered to empower the population and alleviate identified problems Academic results: (i) Academic programmes are reviewed and/or developed to deliver desired graduates at the undergraduate, masters and doctorate levels in the areas chosen for cooperation. (ii) Human and infrastructure capacity are developed for effective training, research and extension activities within the framework of the cooperation. Overall Develepmental Objective : To act as a changing agent by improving the quality of the labour market, local institutes and industry in general, thus contributing to the sustainable development of Suriname Overall Academic Objective : To transit from a BSc-oriented education university to an accredited MSc-oriented research and education university Specific Developmental Objective : To increase with stakeholders from the Surinamese society the quality level of education, research, and services in specific areas with the aim to improve the awarness and ultimately well-being of the people of Suriname Specific Academic Objective : 1. To strengthen AdeKUS at an institutional level with emphasis on personnel, infrastructure and research culture 2. To strenghten AdeKUS at an academic level with the three internationally-recognized MSc education and research programmes in the areas of sustainable dev

- Staff, students of UMSS - Staff, students of HUT - local industries and factories - the society at large - SUA community - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large- Mekelle University community, profesional and subprofessional staff of MU - the local community, rural and urban community, governmental and non-profit institutions, industries and factories, - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large - staff, students of University of Western Cape - policy makers - interested parties in civil society - Staff, students of UCLV - the Cuban society at large - Mekelle University community, profesional and subprofessional staff of MU - the local community, rural and urban community, governmental and non-profit institutions, industries and factories - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large- Mekelle University community, profesional and subprofessional staff of MU - the local community, rural and urban community, governmental and non-profit institutions, industries and factories, - Staff, students of the Universidad de Cuenca - Individuals ans households in the community and local development sector offices - the society at large - Staff, students of the Jimma University- - Individuals and households in the community and local development sector offices and society at large - Moi University community, profesional and subprofessional staff of MU_K - the local community, rural and urban community, governmental and non-profit institutions, industries and factories, Groupes cible: - Academic staff and university personnel of ADEKUS, - graduate (MSc) and postgraduate (PhD) students in Suriname, - The Surinamese society at large (government and private sector in Suriname) Groupes cible: - UEM institution, - UEM academics, - UEM students, - Mozambican society Groupes cible: - Academic staff and students of UNALM, - Farming communities and institutions, - Local municipalities - staff, students of Limpopo - policy makers - interested parties in civil society - the Limpopo Province Sur le plan académique : Professeurs, assistants, doctorants, chercheurs et étudiants Sur le plan sociétal : Cadres politico-administratifs de l'administration centrale et de la territoriale, les membres de la société civile et les citoyens congolais en général 7000 students + academic staff + communities involved in governance and entrepreneurship projects Academic staff and students of Hue University • Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) (Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas) • Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" (University of Pinar del Río) • Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) (University of Informatics Sciences) • Universidad "Oscar Lucero Moya" de Holguín. (University of Holguin) • Universidad de Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz" (UC) (University of Camagüey). • Universidad de Oriente (UO). (University of Oriente). ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICA DEL LITORAL (ESPOL) ESCUELA POLITÉCNICA NACIONAL (EPN) UNIVERSIDAD DE CUENCA (UC) UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DEL NORTE (UTN)

Project ID
Activity status
1 - Pipeline/identification
Aid type
B01 - Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
% to Uganda


Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
VLIR-UOS - Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad - Flemish Interuniversity Council

Disbursements by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2015 Q4 7,443,815.17 7,443,815.17
2014 Q4 7,857,303.65 7,857,303.65
2013 Q4 6,903,805.75 6,903,805.75
2012 Q4 7,185,990.99 7,185,990.99
2011 Q4 7,493,774.97 7,493,774.97
2010 Q4 6,754,119.37 6,754,119.37
2009 Q4 6,839,629.15 6,839,629.15
2008 Q4 5,271,614.28 5,271,614.28
2007 Q4 5,895,904.14 5,895,904.14

Commitments by fiscal year, quarter

Fiscal year Fiscal quarter Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)
2015 Q4 82,648,370.77 82,648,370.77

MTEF projections by fiscal year

Fiscal year Value (USD) Uganda Value (USD)

CRS code %
Higher education (11420) 100.0