Stöd till UNICEF Liberia land program
Support to UNICEF Liberia country programme - Support to UNICEF Country Programme
UNICEF har inkommit med en ansökan om finansiering till Sveriges ambassad i Liberia om 8 MSEK för ett smidigt genomförande av organisationens landprogram i Liberia. Det övergripande målet med programmet är att möta behoven för utveckling och skydd bland landets barn och unga.
Ambassadens stöd är öronmärkt till programmets komponent som rör barns skydd, vars mål är att bidra till att bygga och stärka barns trygghetssystem genom kapacitetsutveckling på nationell och subnationell nivå. Detta kommer främst att göras genom uppbyggandet av gemenskapsbaserade trygghetssystem för barn, främjandet av allmän födelseregistrering, stärkandet av säkerhetsnät , lagar och policys för barns skydd, samt främjandet av ungdomars och ungas egenmakt med syftet att öka deras deltagande i besults- och fredsprocesser.
Den totala budgeten för landprogrammets komponent för barns skydd är USD 2 600 000, varav ambassadens bidrag utgör SEK 8 000 000 vilket motsvarar ca USD 881 000.
UNICEF:s landkontor i Liberia kommer att genomföra programmet i samarbete med departementen som i första hand är ansvariga för barns rättigheter och skydd i Liberia (Jämställdhets-, Hälso- och Justitiedepartementet). Även interreligiösa råd, gemenskapsbaserade organisationer och andra icke-statliga aktörer förväntas spela en nyckelroll.
UNICEF has applied to the Embassy for funding of 8,000,000 SEK to help address funding gap that has undermined smooth implementation of its overall country programme. The UNICEF country programme is aimed at addressing the development and social protection needs of children and young people.
The Embassy’s support will be earmarked for the child protection component, with the objective of contributing to building and strengthening children’s social protection systems through capacity building at both national and county levels. The key activities under the programme are building community based child protection systems, promoting universal birth registration, strengthening safety nets and child protection laws and policies, as well as empowering adolescents and young people to participate in decision making and peace processes.
The total budget for this component is USD 2.6M, of which the Embassy’s contribution will be the amount of approximately USD 881,000 (Eight Million Swedish Kronor).
UNICEF’s Country Office in Liberia will implement the programme in partnership with the Ministries of Gender, Health, and Justice that have got oversight responsibilities over child rights and protection in Liberia. Inter-religious councils, community based organizations and other non-governmental organizations will play a key role as well.
UNICEF Liberia's Country Programme seeks to contribute to building and strengthening children's social protection systems through capacity building at both national and local levels. This is done in line with national priorities and results, with a focus on the most vulnerable disadvantaged children, and in areas low on Children Well-being Index. The UNICEF country programme has got 4 components: 1) Young child survival and development, 2) inclusive quality education, and 3) child protection. However, in 2019, the Embassy’s support will focus on component 3 only, child protection. The Objective of this component is to ensure that children and young people enjoy their rights and grow up in a safe, protective and gender responsive environment. By the end of the intervention, it is expected that the following results would have be realized: improved capacity of relevant actors to manage and provide social welfare services and birth registration; vulnerable children, adolescents and young people benefit from quality essential social services and social safety nets, and gender sensitive and age appropriate justice and protection systems; increased knowledge of relevant actors regarding systems and legal frameworks that prevent and response to children rights violations.
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 1 - Pipeline/identification
- Type d'aide
- B03 - Contributions à des programmes ou fonds à objectif spécifique gérés par des organisations internationales (multilatérales, ONGI)
- % to Libéria
- 100.00
- Implementing
- United Nations Childrens Fund
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2018 |
Q2 |
936,000.94 |
936,000.94 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2018 |
468,000.47 |
468,000.47 |
2017 |
468,000.47 |
468,000.47 |
Code CRS |
% |