UN Women Strategic Note och SGBV-Program 2016-2019
UN Women Strategic Note and SGBV joint programme 2016-2019 - SGBV Joint Programme phase III
Inledning gällande båda programmen
Beslutet innebär stöd till ”The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women” (UN Women) i Liberia. Beslutet innefattar stöd till två av UN Women Liberias program och för detta kommer två separata avtal att ingås mellan Sida och UN Women enligt avtalsstruktur beskriven utförligare nedan. Sida har från 2016 en ny planeringsmodell som syftar till att tillgodose flera olika typer av finansieringsformer. Denna insats omfattar två avtal vilket nu möjliggörs genom den nya planeringsmodellen där insatsen innehar högsta nivå.
Det första programmet är UN Women Liberias "Strategic Note", vilket är deras strategiska verksamhetsplan med syfte att bidra till ökad jämställdhet i Libiera. Det andra programmet är ett FN-gemensamt program där UN Women Liberia är administrativt ansvarig, detta program syftar till att motverka och förebygga sexuellt och könsbaserat våld (SGBV) och är titulerat "Government of Liberia/UN Joint Programme Against Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices in Liberia", nedan refererat till som "SGBV-programmet".
Strategic Note (Program 1) fokuserar på tre nyckelområden som bedöms vara centrala för ökad jämställdhet i Liberia: (1) kvinnors politiska deltagande; (2) kvinnors ekonomiska egenmakt; samt (3) kvinnors roll i fred, säkerhet och humanitära insatser (inklusive SGBV). SGBV-programmet (Program 2) som implementeras i samarbete med andra FN-organ, syftar till att bidra till fokusområde (3) i UN Women Liberias Strategic Note nämligen ”Kvinnors roll i fred, säkerhet och humanitära insatser (inklusive SGBV)”.
Strategic Note (Program 1)
UN Women Liberias Strategic Note 2014-2017 godkändes av UN Women centralt i december 2013. För att anpassa till FN:s Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) har Strategic Note förlängts till 2018. Den harmonierar tematiskt och tidsmässigt med UN Womens globala strategiska verksamhetsplan för samma period, dock med något färre fokusområden för att anpassa till den liberianska kontexten och UN Women Liberias kapacitet. I mars 2014 drabbades Liberia av ett allvarligt ebolautbrott och UN Women Liberia styrde tillfälligt om sin verksamhet mot humanitärt bistånd, bland annat efter en uppskattad flexibilitet hos Sveriges Ambassad i Monrovia. UN Womens landkontor i Liberia fick 2015 ett särskilt uppdrag från UN Women centralt att se över sin Strategic Note för att anpassa arbetet till att svara mot de nya förutsättningarna i landet som bland annat inkluderar neddragningen av FN:s fredsbevarande mission UNMIL, post-Ebola perioden och upptakten inför valen 2017.
Ambassaden ingick ett avtal med UN Women Liberia maj 2015 för en förberedelsefas inför arbetet med Strategic Note. Stödet om SEK 4 000 000 över en niomånadersperiod undersökte ett omtag av de strategiska fokusområden, interventionslogik och samarbetspartners för UN Women Liberia.
Den reviderade Strategic Note för Liberia beskriver den övergripande strategin och handlingsplanen för UN Women Liberia för åren 2016 - 2018 och inkluderar ett resultatramverk med förväntade resultat och mål/indikatorer/baslinjevärden. Strategic Note inkluderar även ett resultatramverk för organisationsutveckling.
På grund av det mångfacetterade uttryck diskrimineringen av kvinnor ofta tar, behöver ett program som syftar till att åtgärda detta vara flerdimensionellt, med aktörer på olika nivåer och med olika kompetenser och nätverk. Strategic Note uppfyller detta krav väl. UN Women Liberia har en inflytelserik arbetsrelation med regeringen i Liberia och därmed en bra ingång för att påverka politik och policydokument. Programmet ger en plattform för internationella givare och partners att stödja nationella jämställdhetsprioriteringar, samt att stödja det civila samhällets deltagande i den nationella processen för en hållbar och jämställd utveckling.
UN Women Liberia kommer att engagera olika partners för olika programdelar och fokusområden i Strategic
The decision means the support of "The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women" (UN Women) in Liberia. The decision includes support for two of the Liberian UN Women programs and for this comes two separate agreements to be concluded between Sida and UN Women under contract structure described in more detail below. Sida from 2016 a new planning model designed to accommodate various types of financing. This action covers two agreements which are now made possible by the new planning model of intervention holds the highest level.
The first program is the UN Women of Liberia "Strategic Note", which is their strategic business plan with a view to contributing to greater gender equality in Libiera. The second program is a UN joint program where UN Women Liberia is administratively responsible, this program aims to combat and prevent sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and is titulerat "Government of Liberia / UN Joint Programme Against Sexual and Gender Based Violence and harmful Traditional Practices in Liberia ", hereinafter referred to as" SGBV "program.
Strategic Note (Program 1) focuses on three key areas deemed central to gender equality in Liberia: (1) women's political participation; (2) women's economic empowerment; and (3) the role of women in peace, security and humanitarian efforts (including SGBV). SGBV program (Program 2) implemented in cooperation with other UN agencies, aims to contribute to the focus area (3) in Liberia, UN Women Strategic Note namely "Women's role in peace, security and humanitarian efforts (including SGBV)".
The overall intended outcome of the Programme is to produce significant institutional gains for the national gender architecture and gender advocate networks in the area of improved accountability to and improved delivery on gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments in Liberia. The essence of the Terms of Reference for the Strategic Note is "Continued capacity and skills building coupled with economic empowerment of women lead to (political) leadership and participation at all levels.” This is furthermore seen as contributing to Liberia's recovery from war and Ebola and ability to prosper into mid-income country economy by the 2030. The Embassy assesses this theory of change to be logical and relevant and adequately reflected by the intervention logic.The revised UN Women Liberia Strategic Note describes the overarching strategy for UNWL 2016 - 2017 (extended to 2019) and includes 3 Impact areas in the Development Results Framework (DRF) with respective outcomes. The specific goals of the SGBV JP are included in goal number 3 in the Strategic Note, described below. The overall aim outcome objective of the SGBV joint programme is to change perceptions and attitudes and strengthen systems to address rape, early marriage, domestic violence, harmful traditional practices and their inter-linkages with sexual and reproductive rights and HIV and AIDS in 15 Counties in Liberia by 2020.The outcomes in the Three pillars of the Strategic Note (including the SGBV-Component)Impact area 1: Women Lead in Political Decision makingOUTCOME 1.1: Electoral framework and arrangements promote gender balance and women's participation at national and local levels OUTCOME 1.2.: Women are perceived as equally legitimate and effective political leaders as men. Impact Area 2: Women's Economic EmpowermentOutcome 2.1: 20,000 Liberian women, specially rural women, young women and those in situations of vulnerability increase their economic security and sustainable livelihoods opportunities OUTCOME 2.2: Women have increased skills for business development and livelihoods. OUTCOME 2.3: Gender-responsive mechanisms, infrastructures and services enhance women’s sustainable livelihoods and access to business. Impact Area 3: More peaceful and Gender Equal Societies OUTCOME 3.1: Peace building and Recovery: The socio-economic recovery & political participation of women and girls are promoted in post-conflict situations. OUTCOME 3.2: Protection: Women and girls safety, physical and mental health and security are assured and their human rights respected.The third Impact Area includes strengthening mechanisms for the prevention of Sexual and Gender Based Violence, HTP and mitigate its impact on women, girls and boys in Liberia (SGBV-Component) OUTCOME 3.3: To strengthen the prevention of SGBV and harmful cultural practices including child marriage through community engagement and ownership in addressing sexual and gender based violence;OUTCOME 3.4: To strengthen response to SGBV through comprehensive services and referral and reduce vulnerability to HIV/Aids and other STIs;OUTCOME 3.5: To strengthen mechanisms to prevent and protect children (girls and boys) from sexual violence, abuse and exploitation within the school environment; OUTCOME 3.6: Strengthen sub-national and national institutional support mechanisms and coordination to facilitate an effective joint programming on sexual and gender based violence in line with the Deconcentration Plan;OUTCOME 3.7: Ensure sustained visibility on SGBV at all levels, community, schools and national levels; To ensure that early warning systems for disaster preparedness and emergency address vulnerability to sexual violence and protection of women and Children (girls and boys) in pre and post conflict situations.The three impact areas interact with each other through Planning, Monitoring and Coordination serving as the core in the UNWL programmatic scheme, assuring harmonisation and enhancing the synergies betwe
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 2 - Implementation
- Type d'aide
- C01 - Interventions de type projet
- % to Libéria
- 100.00
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Accountable
- Implementing
- United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2017 |
Q2 |
1,170,001.17 |
1,170,001.17 |
2016 |
Q2 |
1,168,702.16 |
1,168,702.16 |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2016 |
Q1 |
3,506,106.47 |
3,506,106.47 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2018 |
585,000.59 |
585,000.59 |
2017 |
1,170,001.17 |
1,170,001.17 |
2016 |
1,169,351.66 |
1,169,351.66 |
2015 |
584,351.08 |
584,351.08 |
Code CRS |
% |