Svenska Ky2006-2007
Churchof Sweden2006-2007
The activity "[Svenska Ky2006-2007]" does not have a description. Please check if there are documents linked to the activity or contact Sida directly for more information. You can call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to
The activity "[Churchof Sweden2006-2007]" does not have a description. Please check if there are documents linked to the activity or contact Sida directly for more information. You can call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 4 - Post-completion
- Type d'aide
- B03 - Contributions à des programmes ou fonds à objectif spécifique gérés par des organisations internationales (multilatérales, ONGI)
- % to Libéria
- 100.00
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Accountable
- Svenska kyrkan
- Implementing
- Donor country-based NGO
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2008 |
Q2 |
-449.28 |
-449.28 |
2007 |
Q2 |
25,041.51 |
25,041.51 |
2006 |
Q2 |
21,262.31 |
21,262.31 |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2005 |
Q3 |
44,212.42 |
44,212.42 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Libéria Montant (USD) |
2007 |
12,520.75 |
12,520.75 |
2006 |
23,151.88 |
23,151.88 |
2005 |
10,631.13 |
10,631.13 |
Code CRS |
% |
Développement rural