Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in response to the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in West Africa

Special Operation (SO) 200760 was established to support the humanitarian response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa. As international airlines were increasingly suspending flights in and out of the affected countries at the same time as the humanitarian community was scaling up its presence, an urgent deployment of the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) was required to fill the widening air transport gap. Initially, the project implementation was designed around a humanitarian response in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, maintaining flexibility for project implementation sites to be adjusted in accordance with the reduction or expansion of the humanitarian response. In addition, the UNHAS operation supported the rapid and efficient movement of humanitarian personnel, medical supplies, equipment, and other essential humanitarian cargo to multiple remote locations within the affected countries. The UNHAS fleet was comprised of one 19-seat fixed-wing aircraft and two medium size helicopters to respond to the needs of the humanitarian community. The operation was designed to be fully flexible in order to meet the changing requirements of the humanitarian response. This Special Operation did not cater for the transportation of EVD patients. Due to the need to scale up the response, SO 200760 was merged into the larger umbrella SO 200773. Under this new SO, WFP supported the humanitarian community as requested by the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) by providing common logistics services as part of the EVD response.

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
3 - Completion
Type d'aide
B02 - Contributions aux budgets réguliers des institutions multilatérales
% to Libéria



Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Libéria Montant (USD)
2014 Q3 67,386.00 67,386.00
2014 Q2 398,961.00 398,961.00
2014 Q1 280,217.00 280,217.00

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Libéria Montant (USD)
2014 Q3 67,386.00 67,386.00
2014 Q2 398,961.00 398,961.00
2014 Q1 280,217.00 280,217.00

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Libéria Montant (USD)

Code CRS %
Coordination des secours et services de soutien et de protection (72050) 100.0