Immunisation services support (ISS)

One of GAVI’s strategic goals is to “contribute to strengthening the capacity of integrated health systems to deliver immunisation”. The objective of GAVI cash support is to address system bottlenecks to achieve better immunisation outcomes, including coverage and equity. The GAVI approach is results oriented. GAVI’s immunisation services support (ISS) is a flexible programme which countries can use to improve their immunisation performance. Countries have complete control over how and when to use their ISS funding on the condition that DTP3 coverage rates continue to rise. One of the first performance-based programmes of its kind, the ISS programme has two main characteristics aimed at supporting countries to increase their immunisation coverage.

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
3 - Completion
Type d'aide
B02 - Contributions aux budgets réguliers des institutions multilatérales
% to Ouganda


The Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation
World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account (for technical assitance)
Federal States & Local Governments
Federal States & Local Governments

Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2006 Q1 400,000.00 400,000.00
2004 Q3 1,680,500.00 1,680,500.00
2004 Q2 500,000.00 500,000.00
2003 Q3 2,180,500.00 2,180,500.00

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2000 Q4 4,761,000.00 4,761,000.00

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2004 2,380,500.00 2,380,500.00
2003 2,380,500.00 2,380,500.00

Code CRS %
Soins et services de santé de base (12220) 100.0