AusAID NGO Cooperation Program Development Plans

The AusAID - Non-Government Organisations (NGO) Cooperation Program (ANCP) subsidises the poverty reduction activities of accredited Australian NGOs. Australian NGOs supported through ANCP must demonstrate a strong level of Australian community support, and have been through a rigorous accreditation process. The ANCP also includes support for a new Innovations Fund to support shared learning and good practice amongst small to medium NGOs. The total value of this multi-country program is $107.7 million over 4 years, starting 2009-10.

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
3 - Completion
Type d'aide
C01 - Interventions de type projet
% to Ouganda


Name Withheld
Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2012 Q4 305,217.58 305,217.58
2011 Q4 281,583.61 281,583.61
2010 Q4 836,119.98 836,119.98
2009 Q4 962,500.77 962,500.77

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2009 Q1 2,818,039.92 2,818,039.92

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)

Code CRS %
Participation démocratique et société civile (15150) 48.8
Vulgarisation agricole (31166) 13.8
Politique agricole et gestion administrative (31110) 8.2
Services agricoles (31191) 7.8
Services sociaux (16010) 5.4
Aide plurisectorielle (43010) 3.9
Lutte contre les MST et VIH/sida (13040) 3.3
Approvisionnement en eau potable et assainissement - dispositifs de base (14030) 3.2
Intermédiaires financiers du secteur informel et semi formel (24040) 3.1
Développement agricole (31120) 2.5