Benefits to Health and Nutrition from Research on Market Chains

Animal source foods (ASF) support the nutrition and livelihoods of millions of rural and urban poor, for whom livestock and fish value chains are also promising pathways out of poverty. Less attention has been given to the relation between ASF value chains and human health and nutrition, especially impacts of food-borne disease and nutritional security. This project seeks new methods and approaches for assessing value chains pertaining to nutrition and health, and will undertake an assessment of food quality and safety research priorities in those value chains with high potential for pro-poor transformation and of interest to CGIAR and ACIAR. (AH/2011/040)

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
3 - Completion
Type d'aide
D02 - Autres formes d’assistance technique
% to Ouganda


Name Withheld
Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2011 Q4 64,475.40 64,475.40

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2011 Q4 68,125.20 68,125.20

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)

Code CRS %
Recherche agronomique (31182) 100.0