EOC, fas 2
EOC, phase 2 - EOC, phase 2.
Stöd till andra fasen i en process om tre faser för att etablera en Equal Opportunity Commission i Uganda. Kommissionens etableras med stöd av Ugandas konstitution 1995 där inrättandet av en sådan kommission omnämns. Samarbets- och avtalspartner är Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.
Support to the second phase in a tree phase process to establish an Equal Opportunity Commission in Uganda. The establishment of the Commiossion is backed by the Constitution of Uganda 1995. The cooperation partner is the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, which also signs the agreement.
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 4 - Post-completion
- Type d'aide
- C01 - Interventions de type projet
- % to Ouganda
- 100.00
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Accountable
- Odefinierat
- Implementing
- Recipient Government
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2003 |
Q2 |
120,326.04 |
120,326.04 |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2002 |
Q3 |
123,791.49 |
123,791.49 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2003 |
61,895.74 |
61,895.74 |
2002 |
61,895.74 |
61,895.74 |
Code CRS |
% |