JLOS SWAp Uganda 2009-2013
JLOS SWAp Uganda 2009-2013 - Monitoring and follow-up
Det svenska stödet till rättssektorn (Justice Law and Order Sector), vilken består av 15 institutioner, planeras att ges under tre år, 2009-2012. Det totala bidraget är 81 MSEK. Sverige ger stöd till rättssektorn genom ett delegerat partnerskap med Nederländerna.
The Swedish support to Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS), which consists of 15 institutions, is planned for three years, 2009-2012, with a total amount of 81 MSEK. Sweden shall contribute to the JLOS through a delegated partnership with the Netherlands.
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 4 - Post-completion
- Type d'aide
- C01 - Interventions de type projet
- % to Ouganda
- 100.00
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Implementing
- Recipient Government
- Accountable
- Government of Uganda
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
Code CRS |
% |
Développement des services légaux et judiciaires