Naguru Ungdomsklinik 2015-2020
Naguru Teenage Health & Info Centre 2015-2020 - Naguru Teenage Information & Health Centre 2015-20
Naguru Teenage Information and Health Center (NTIHC) har sökt finansiellt stöd från Sverige motsvarande MSEK 38.2 med syfte att implementera sin 2015-2020 strategiska plan. NTIHC kommer inte att vidarebefordra finansiella medel i tredje led.
Målet med insatsen är att öka förståelse för sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) samt tillgång till ungdomsanpassade SRH tjänster. Tre resultat har identifierats för att bidra till måluppfyllelsen:
1) Fullskalig service: Att erbjuda högkvalitativa ungdomsanpassade SRH tjänster på Kiswa ungdomsklinik och på omkringliggande hälsokliniker och att dela evidensbaserade erfarenheter bland personal genom att erbjuda dem möjlighet till praktisk inlärning.
2) Utöka tjänster: Att utöka och förbättra ungdomsanpassade SRH tjänster på ett urval offentliga primärvårdskliniker genom att tillhandahålla material och tekniskt stöd
3) Förespråka ungdomars fullständiga SRH rättigheter: Att öka medvetenhet och insikt om, samt förståelse och acceptans av, unga människors SRHR och att bygga en accepterande miljö för unga människors fullständiga SRH rättigheter.
Den totala strategibudgeten uppgår till MSEK 45.5. Av detta kommer hälsoministeriet, KCCA, Ugandas Röda Kors via UNFPA, Information Centret för AIDS och CHAU att sammanlagt tillhandahålla MSEK 7.3. NTIHC har ansökt om resterande belopp motsvarande MSEK 38.2 från Sverige.
Sverige har också finansierat NTIHCs strategiska plan 2011-2016, under perioden 2011-2014 och med en kostnadsförlängning från juli 2014- juni 2015.
Naguru Teenage Information and Health Center (NTIHC) has applied to Sweden for funding of 38.2 MSEK to implement its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. NTIHC will not forward funds to third parties.
The intervention aims at increasing the understanding of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) rights and access to appropriate youth-friendly services for young people through three strategic objectives: 1) Best practice: To provide excellent youth friendly SRH services at Kiswa health center and in the surrounding community, and share best practices with practitioners by providing them with practical learning opportunities. 2) Scale up: To expand and improve youth friendly SRH services in selected public health facilities by providing material and technical support. 3) Promote ASRHR: To increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of young people’s SRH rights and advocate for a more enabling environment for ASRHR.
The intervention’s total budget is 45.5 MSEK, out of which 7.3 MSEK will be funded by Ministry of Health, KCCA, Uganda Red Cross Society through UNFPA, AIDS Information Center and CHAU. NTIHC has requested Sweden to fund the remaining MSEK 38.2.
Sweden has also provided support to NTIHC’s current five year Strategic Plan (2011/2012 – 2015/2016) for the period 2011-2014, with a cost extension to June 2015.
The thematic focus for the contribution is sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people. The intended outcome is an increased understanding of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and access to appropriate youth-friendly services for young people in Uganda. The overall goal of Naguru Teenage Information & Health Centre (NTIHC) program is to increase undertsanding of Sexual and Reproductive Healthand Rights (SRHR) and access to appropriate youth friendly services for young people. This goal is to be achived through 3 specific objectives: Objective 1: To provide excellent youth friendly SRH services at Kiswa Health Centre and in teh surrounding comunity, and share best practices with practitioners by providing them with practical learning opportunities. Under this objective, NTIHC positions itself as a best practice centre for Adolsocent Sexual & Reproductive Health & Right (ASRHR) services in UGanda and the region. Objective 2: To expand and improve youth friendly SRH services in selected public health facilities by providing material an dtechnical support. This objective focus on scaling up ASRHR services beyond Kampala. Objective 3: Promote ASRHR. To increase awareness, undertsanding and acceptance of young people's SRH rights and advocate for a more enabling environment for ASRH services. Objective 3 is central for increasing knowledge and awareness of SRHR, empowering young people to demand fro better services as well as holding duty bearers accountable for delivery of quality services and to promote/protecting SRHR of young people in Uganda.
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 2 - Implementation
- Type d'aide
- B01 - Contributions aux budgets réguliers des ONG, des autres organismes de la société civile, des partenariats public-privé (PPP) et des instituts de recherche
- % to Ouganda
- 100.00
- Implementing
- Developing country-based NGO
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Accountable
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2018 |
Q2 |
468,000.47 |
468,000.47 |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2015 |
Q1 |
1,921,867.77 |
1,921,867.77 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2020 |
204,750.20 |
204,750.20 |
2019 |
713,700.71 |
713,700.71 |
2018 |
742,950.74 |
742,950.74 |
2017 |
234,000.23 |
234,000.23 |
Code CRS |
% |
Soins en matière de fertilité