Bilateralt forskningssamar Uganda fas II 2005-10

Bilateral Res Coop. Uganda Phase II 2005-10 - Coordination Office

Institutionellt stöd till Makerere University (MU)med mål att bygga upp hållbar forskningskapacitet. Forskningsprojekt, PhD och Masters utbildning, infrastruktur i form av ICT, biblioteksresurser, laboratorier och utbildning inom forsknings- och finansiell förvaltning är redskap att uppnå detta mål. MU samarbetar med flera svenska universitet.

Institutional support to Makerere University (MU) aimed at building up sustainable research capacity. Research projects, PhD/Masters training and infrastructure in the form of ICT, Library resources, laboratories as well as training in research and financial management are tools to achieve this goal. MU collaborates with universities in Sweden.

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
4 - Post-completion
Type d'aide
B03 - Contributions à des programmes ou fonds à objectif spécifique gérés par des organisations internationales (multilatérales, ONGI)
% to Ouganda


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank
Makerere University

Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2009 Q2 908,303.08 908,303.08
2008 Q2 355,288.94 355,288.94
2007 Q2 394,979.65 394,979.65
2006 Q2 794,674.70 794,674.70
2005 Q2 397,997.97 397,997.97

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2005 Q1 24,222,472.03 24,222,472.03

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2010 1,751.20 1,751.20
2009 3,232,968.54 3,232,968.54
2008 5,806,880.77 5,806,880.77
2007 4,686,243.67 4,686,243.67
2006 5,245,533.11 5,245,533.11
2005 4,639,722.09 4,639,722.09
2004 1,504,769.22 1,504,769.22

Code CRS %
Institutions scientifiques et de recherche (43082) 100.0