Bilateral Forskningssam Uga Fas III, 2010-15
Bilateral Research Coop Uga Phase III; 2010-15 - SLU- Fac Agriculture
Insatsen innebär en ett-årig förlängning av nuvarande avtal. Avtalet innehåller inga nya aktiviteter utan förlänger de redan överenskomna projekt för 2010-2014. Dessa fokuseras på Masters och PhD studenter och institutionsstöd i form av medel till bibliotek, vetenskaplig utrustning, ICT, kvalitetssäkring, och en finansiell och administrativ reformprocess. Makerere universitetets Gender Mainstreaming Directorate (GMD) är ett korruptionsärende hos Sidas korruptionsenhet, baserat på ett Whistle Blower brev 2013. Ett antal åtgärder har vidtagits, såsom en extern revision, och en pågående systemrevision med särskilt uppdragt ang. GMD. Pga av pågående utredning har medel inte allokerats till GMD för 2014-2015 och enheten ingår inte i beredning till nästa fas.
The intervention is a one-year extension of the present agreement. The agreement does not contain any new activities, but rather prolongs the already agreed upon project of 2010-2014. The focus lies on Masters' and PhD students and institutional support, i.e. funding for libraries, scientific equipment, ICT, quality assurance and a financial and administrative reform process. The Makerere University Gender Mainstreaming Directorate (GMD) is a corruption case at Sida/HQ's corruptions unit, based on a Whistle Blower letter 2013. A number of actions have been taken, such as an external audit, and an ongoing system's audit with special focus on the GMD. Due to the ongoing investigation no funding has been alloctated for the GMD during the extension yea 2014-2015, and the unit is not part of the ongoing appraisal for the next phase.
Greater autonomy for the research system and improved analytical capacity in areas of importance to poverty reduction, democratic governance and peaceful resolution of internal armed conflicts.
- ID Projet
- Statut de l'activité
- 4 - Post-completion
- Type d'aide
- C01 - Interventions de type projet
- % to Ouganda
- 100.00
- Funding
- Sweden
- Extending
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Implementing
- University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank
- Accountable
Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2016 |
Q2 |
-12,558.29 |
-12,558.29 |
2014 |
Q2 |
4,008.80 |
4,008.80 |
2013 |
Q2 |
156,605.05 |
156,605.05 |
2012 |
Q2 |
117,448.92 |
117,448.92 |
2011 |
Q2 |
122,511.25 |
122,511.25 |
2010 |
Q2 |
110,382.94 |
110,382.94 |
Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre
Exercice fiscal |
Trimestre fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2009 |
Q3 |
476,590.49 |
476,590.49 |
Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal
Exercice fiscal |
Montant (USD) |
Ouganda Montant (USD) |
2014 |
2,004.40 |
2,004.40 |
2013 |
80,306.93 |
80,306.93 |
2012 |
137,026.98 |
137,026.98 |
2011 |
119,980.09 |
119,980.09 |
2010 |
116,447.09 |
116,447.09 |
2009 |
55,191.47 |
55,191.47 |
Code CRS |
% |
Recherche environnementale