Améliorer la capacité de réponse locale et renforcer la résilience des réfugiés congolais dans l'ouest de l'Ouganda

Mass displacement as a result of inter-communal violence has been prevalent and recur-ring in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since the so-called African Wars of the 1990s, but has recently flared up again in Ituri and North Kivu Provinces following tribal skirmishes and intensified clashes between armed factions, compounded by elec-tion-year instability. Scores of civilians caught up in the violence are seeking refuge in neighboring countries and in particular Uganda, entering the country via a perilous cross-ing of Lake Albert. It is projected that up to 150,000 refugees from DRC could make their way over to Uganda in 2018. By comparison, only 44,000 Congolese entered Uganda in all of 2017. Ugandan authorities, host communities and aid organisations are struggling to respond adequately to the humanitarian needs caused by this sudden, massive refugee influx. Substantial gaps in the response persist in the production of water, construction of sanita-tion facilities and the promotion of correct hygiene practice. Cholera and other infectious diseases are rife and have led to 47 deaths in just two months. The Uganda Red Cross is by and large the most important local responder on the scene, having mobilized over 120 volunteers who are currently active in both major refugee set-tlements in the promotion of hygiene activities for cholera prevention, and the production of clean water. A disaster preparedness programme funded by the Belgian Government has significantly improved the response capacity at national level, and indeed the same programme is currently bearing its fruits in the DRC as well as the South Sudan refugee response. However, gaps remain in the efficiency and effectiveness of aid being delivered at branch level, in those districts bordering DRC. As a result, vulnerable refugees continue to endure hardship and face unmet needs, particularly in relation to their health, sanitation and livelihoods.

R 1 : Main actors involved in the response to refugees from the DRC, being the URCS HQ, the 5 District URCS Branches and the District Disaster Management Committees, have an increased disaster response capacity and are better prepared for upcoming disasters. R 2 : Refugees fleeing violence out of RDC and Uganda Host Communities are assisted with NFI-support and have increased adequate sanitation and have improved awareness and behaviour change through hygiene promotion campaigns. R 3 : Sustainable Livelihoods Support: Self-reliance and livelihoods of DRC refugees improved towards gradual socio-economic integration. To build the response preparedness and capacity of the URCS to provide humanitarian assistance, and to improve the self-reliance and resilience of Congolese refugees and their host communities in 2 settlements and 7 districts in western Uganda.

• At national level: 15 NDRT members will receive a Logistics training, for improvement of the technical capacity of the national society • At region/branch level: 150 RCATs to be reactivated, trained and equipped to provide emergency rescue services as first responders in 5 branches of Kasese, Bundibugyo, Kabarole, Hoima and Kisoro. • In addition, a total of 175 members of the District Disaster Management Technical Committees (DDMC) from five target districts of Kisoro, Kasese, Bundibugyo, Kabarole and Hoima will be targeted for reactivation, training and engagement to hold regular coordination mechanisms that will ensure the project activities are closely monitored and linked to Disaster Development interventions and National plans. • At community level: 3000 households or 15.000 individuals , both refugee and host population and based on their vulnerability criteria, will receive increased access to WASH facilities. • A total of 900 direct livelihoods beneficiaries structured in groups of 30 from the refugees settlements of Kyaka II and Kyangwali shall be empowered with improved knowledge, skills, tools and materials to strengthen their resilience.

ID Projet
Statut de l'activité
1 - Pipeline/identification
Type d'aide
C01 - Interventions de type projet
% to Ouganda


Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
NGO Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen Internationaal

Versements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)

Engagements par exercice fiscal, trimestre

Exercice fiscal Trimestre fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)

Projections de CDMT par exercice fiscal

Exercice fiscal Montant (USD) Ouganda Montant (USD)
2018 504,431.48 504,431.48
2017 504,431.48 504,431.48

Code CRS %
Coordination des secours et services de soutien et de protection (72050) 100.0